Usui Invictus Reiki Levels 1&2
6 Weeks Training Program
17th of March-27th of April

Check the Available Price Below

What is Usui Invictus Reiki?

Usui Invictus Reiki is a spiritual system of complementary therapy. Through Levels 1 & 2, participants have a unique avenue for healing, evolution and self-development. At the same time, they learn the techniques, elements, morals and ethics needed to work on themselves and their future clients. Andreas Manole, the system's founder,  combines multiple techniques and concepts, emphasising the importance of informed approaches and inclusivity- all to fully upgrade the partaker's existence.

Meet the Team
Andreas Manole

Raluca Turiac

When? Where? And How?

Everywhere. The live classes will be every Sunday on ZOOM at 7:30 pm EET.

All the details
  • Starting date: 17th of March
  • Ending date: 27th of April
  • Language: English
  • 6 Live Sessions (3 hours each)
  • 6-Week Online Training & Support
You will get

  • Certificate
  • Ebook Manual
  • 6-Week Online Training & Support. 
  •  Level 1 & 2 Attunements (reiki is taught through attunements)  

  • Self-Development & Self-Discovery
  • Removal of Energy Blockages
  • Balancing & Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit
  • Relieving Pain, Anxiety & Fatigue 
  •  Enhancing Emotional & Mental Balance
Join to:

  • Understand, Improve and Experience Energy Healing
  • Become a prepared and informed Practitioner of Usui Invictus Reiki
  • Access your own Divine Power
  • Learn the Ethics of using these Techniques with your Clients

You will Learn about:

  • Usui Invictus Reiki, its Benefits, History, Morals & Ethics
  • Grounding & Chakras
  • Working on yourself, your clients & all beings
  • Shadow Working & Karma
  • Distance Sessions, Pendulum Divination and many more

Words of Invictus Reiki Students
Mohamed M. Idris
Reporting Analyst

As a first-time Reiki user, the course provided me with groundbreaking knowledge and experiences that transformed my life. The essence of the course had a profound impact on how I used to interpret the universe, energies, karma, personal traumas, and, most importantly, healing.

Sandra Weronika Kowalczyk
Usui Invictus Reiki Master Practitioner

Completing the Usui Invictus Reiki course levels 1 & 2 and then level 3 completely changed my life. Now, with a tool to work with my own and others’ energy, I can immediately feel better, cleanse, ground, or work with my shadows. This method led me to my path of helping others and inspiring them in spiritual and personal development.

Mukhabbatkhon Mirzaolimova
Lead Lab Officer

If you’re someone looking to change their life but unsure where to begin, this course is the perfect starting point. Here, you’ll not only gain valuable knowledge but also expand your limits and comfort zone, all while making great friends as a bonus.

Helga Links
Senior Development Economist.

I expanded in all areas of my life and learnt to trust in my own intuition. Andreas has a gift for transferring knowledge in a practical way and has an amazing ability to engage his students with humility and grace.

David-Bogdan Stavila

This course was truly amazing for me; it changed my perspective on life significantly, allowing me to mend old scars independently. This empowerment is invaluable. Anticipating Thursdays each week was a highlight, and the evening sessions added a cosy and comfortable touch.

Dya Paula
Usui Invictus Reiki Master Practitioner

During the course, I discovered a new version of myself, gained more confidence in my divine power, freed myself from some fears, patterns, and programs, and embraced a different life.

Are you ready to Upgrade your existence?

For more details contact our CHRO, Raluca Turiac or one of the Invictus Reiki Ambassadors.

Contact information

Billing address

Participants are not allowed to manifest behaviours of: racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of discriminatory or derogatory action or hate-speech.

Participants will not receive any refund upon completing the payment of the courses.

Participants are not allowed to share any recorded or written materials they receive throughout the courses, if not specified otherwise. This includes the manuals and the class recordings.

Participants will be receiving certificates for the specific courses only upon the completion of the said courses and passing the exams.

Participants are 18 years old (or the legal age of their country) or older.

Invictus Reiki is not responsible for any non-beneficial outcomes of this practice.

Invictus Reiki is legally allowed to remove or ban any participants that go against our terms and conditions.

Checking the terms and conditions box results in agreeing to all of the above.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Early Bird Price€500.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€600.00)€600.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xUsui Invictus Reiki Levels 1&2€0

All prices in EUR

Usui Invictus Reiki Levels 1&2€0

  • Will I be able to work on my clients?
    Yes, you will be able to work on your clients after completing the Usui Invictus Reiki Levels 1&2 Training Program. In fact, you will practice working with other people during the course.
  • What if I can't join at that hour?
    All of the live sessions will be recorded and you can access them for 30 days. This means that you can watch the sessions at your convenience and on your own schedule.
  • What if I have never done Reiki before?
    No problem! We will go step-by-step through all the information and practice. In fact, half of our students had their first meeting with Reiki when they joined the course.
  • Is this a safe and inclusive space?
    Yes, this is a safe and inclusive space for everyone. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their background or beliefs. We welcome everyone with open arms and we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all. We demand respect from all of our students towards everybody's gender identity, race, and sexuality. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • How will I access the manual?
    Once you pass your test, you will have access to your account in our learning platform. There, you will find all of the manuals for the courses you have taken with us.
  • Will I receive a certificate?
    Yes, you will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course and passing the test.
  • Is the test hard?
    The test is multiple-choice and designed to test your understanding of the course material. Most students who have attended the live sessions or watched the recordings pass the exam.
  • What if I have more questions?
    Please feel free to contact any member of our team or send us a message on Instagram at @invictusreiki.

No refunds available. Copyrights Andreas Manole 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author. Invictus Reiki is a registered brand together with the logo.